Apple Cinnamon Roll Hack!
One of my most favorite things to devour are cinnamon rolls. I love them hot and fresh from the oven covered in melted icing. I’ll take them made from scratch from a bakery or I’ve been known to bust out the yeast and flour to make my very own. I’ll also enjoy the store bought ones! You know which ones I’m talking about! They come in a tube you have to literally POP open and just bake. Store bought cinnamon rolls remind me so much of being younger and staying with my dad on his weekends. (My mom never bought them) But at my dad’s house, anything goes! My stepmom, who’ve I’ve known since I was three years old, always kept store bought cinnamon rolls handy in the refrigerator. She introduced me to them and we’ve been enjoying them ever since! I used to get so excited in the mornings and the smell, it brings me back to my dad’s tiny apartment. I LOVE the way food can induce happy memories like that!
Now a days while beginning my eight month of pregnancy I’m finding myself craving more things than I did at the start! Cinnamon rolls being one thing I can’t stop thinking about. I have zero time and energy to make my own from scratch. To be honest, there is a place across town that makes the BEST cinnamon rolls but the line is so long in the mornings I just can’t do it sometimes. So, I’ve been keeping store bought cinnamon rolls handy in my refrigerator and doing so has made me so happy. Flooded with memories, I’ve been baking some on the weekends with Mila.
We had apples this past weekend and I sliced them real thin to roll them up inside the cinnamon rolls! It turned out so yummy. The apple cooked down and tasted perfect with the cinnamon. Here is how we did it! Let me know if you make some this weekend with us ;)
First slice one apple very thinly.
Squeeze a bit of lemon on to the sliced apples to keep them from turning brown!
Add a bit of cinnamon to the sliced apples. I add about 1 teaspoon or so, maybe a bit more.
Unwrap the cinnamon roll and lay the thin apple slices within the dough. Then slowly wrap them back up with the apple slices nestled inside.
Then bake according to the package instructions!
Cover with the icing that comes in the package ;)