Summer '16 Bucket List

Summer is upon us and I am itching to ditch everything for dreamy beach days with my family. Or BBQ's that last late into the night because the conversation is just too good. I am looking forward to Mila in the she gets better and better each day. Experiencing life with her by my side is pure joy. I can't wait to show her how much fun Summer is. Every time I think of Summer I can hear Ryan's loud voice singing Olaf's song "Suuuuuummmmmer!" Ryan would sing and dance all over the house pretending to be Olaf while singing that song. He would say "You be Anna, an I'll be Olaf. OK Mom?!" I'll be thinking of my little man every Summer day, feeling his warmth all around us as we head off for adventures.

At the beginning of each year Dan and I have made it our tradition to make a list of things we want to do or see during the year. We have some exciting trips planned, but we also tend to fill our list with every. single. hope or desire. Even 'try that new ice cream place' makes it on the list. We whittle it down and each month we try to knock a few off our list. Does anyone else do this? If not, I hope this inspires you to start a bucket list with your family. If you already do this, then leave us some good ideas in the comments! We are always looking to try new things.

Since Summer is right around the corner, I wanted to compile a little Summer Bucket List. I jammed it full of a few of our favorites and a few new adventures! I am thrilled to take Mila all over. Keep an eye out as I'll share our Bucket List progress ;)

-Strawberry Picking

-Extra Long Beach Days Followed By Late Night BBQ’s

-A Visit To Coronado

-Mila’s 1st Trip The Zoo

-Camping In The Redwoods

-Beach Camping With Friends

-Dodger Games

-San Francisco And Dinner At Georgio’s Pizza

-Hike To The Top Of Coit Tower

-Picnic At Griffith Park

-Afternoon Spent At The LACMA

-Mila Starts Swim "Lessons"

-Take Mila To Sonoma And Visit Our University

-Backyard Pool Time With Family

-Fill Our Ducky Pool And Play On Our Tiny Deck

-Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk

-Mountain Bike Ride In Laguna

-Balboa Island For Sunset Walk And Ice cream
